
A Blog Post


“The first thought and gratitude goes to our parents, without whom the road traveled thus far would have been way steeper. Their input has been and will keep on being fundamental to the strength they conveyed to us with their love. For all this, thank you mom and dad.”

“A special thanks to the Bifferato/Connolly family, lovely people of great generosity.e-150x150 In particular I want to thank Vincent Sr., who with his affection and his goodness is able to compensate for otherwise unbridgeable gaps. Vincent, I will never forget you!Thank you. “


“Jennifer, a special thanks to you for helping in the finding of the motto distinguishing our logo that reflects the philosophy of our company, “… Your Personal Luxury Concierge.

“Lele, we will always be thankful for all advice and suggestions that you have given us in these last few months for the website and social networks linked to it. A personal special thanks for giving me the right ideas for deeper considerations. Without you I would be another person, certainly worse! A heartfelt thank you!”





Conditions Security & Privacy


This page describes how to manage the site in relation to the processing of personal data of users who consult it.

Italian Style Ltd recognizes the importance of the protection of personal data. Italian Style Ltd is committed to respecting the privacy of users and to treat your private data with caution and discretion. The data will not be used for purposes other than those specified below.

This is information given to those who interact with the web services of Italian Style Ltd., pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. N . 196/2003 – Code regarding the protection of personal data

This Policy may be changed or updated to suit the features offered by Italian Style Srl.

The following information applies only to the website of Italian Style Srl and not other websites that may be accessed via links.



Following consultation of this site may be processed data on persons identified or identifiable. The holder of their treatment is Italian Style Srl, Via Enzo Ferrari , 30 53048 Sinalunga ( SI) .



At a time when the user fill out a feedback form’s data is processed in order to be able to respond to comments or questions.



The treatments related to the web services of this website take place at the aforementioned registered offices and are processed by authorized personnel of what the purpose.

No data deriving from the web service is communicated or disseminated.



Navigation data.

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the communication protocols of the Internet.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified users, but which, by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response to the server and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment.

These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistics on site usage and to check its proper operation and are deleted immediately after processing.


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The optional, explicit or voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated in this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, and of any other personal data contained in the message.



The site makes use of cookies which are used to identify the user and provide better service. Cookies allow Italian Style Ltd to monitor and analyze use of the site. The user has the right to reject cookies, in which case the site will not work correctly.



The user is not required to provide the requested data srl Italian Style, but in the absence of the necessary data Italian Style Srl may not be able to manage and/or treat the requests.



Personal data are processed by automated tools and on paper for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected.

Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.



The subjects to whom the personal data refer may at any time contact the data controller to assert their rights as provided for in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196, which is shown below.

Art 7. Right of access to personal data and other rights – You have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form.


You have the right to obtain the indication:


a) the origin of personal data;

b ) the purposes and methods of treatment;

c) the logic applied in case of treatment with the aid of electronic instruments;

d ) the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed under article 5, paragraph 2;


e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents.


The interested party has the right to:


a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;

b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including those which need not be kept in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;

c) certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to those to whom the data were communicated or distributed, except in the case in which such fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:

a) for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data, pertinent for collection purposes;

b) the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.


1 . General – Purpose


1.1 Italian Style Ltd owns and operates this website www.italianstyle – (the “Site”) for the purpose of providing :

Brokerage, information, communication and web-marketing.

1.2 The site mainly provides:

– Information and access to performance of the individual and collective passenger transport, freight transport and logistics services, and activities relevant to the tourism sector.


2 . Acceptance of Terms of Use


2.1 Access to the Website and the use thereof by visitors (the User or the ‘Users’) is subject to these Terms of Use (‘Terms’), as well as to any changes or additions you make to them in accordance with article 3 of the following using the Site, you accept the Terms and Conditions and you are bound by them. Who does not want to accept and be bound by the Terms, you must refrain from using the Website.


3. Changes to the Conditions; closure of the Site; interruption of access to the Site; Exclusion of Products or Services on the Site.


3.1 Italian Style SRLL has the right, at any time and without notice, to modify the terms and provisions of the Terms, or to impose new terms and forecasts with respect to access to the Site or use thereof. These changes and additions, once published, are effective immediately, the publication can be by any means, including, without limitation and without limitation, the Site If you use the Site after the posting of changes or additions to the Terms and Conditions, you agree to changes or additions to these, and it is bound.

3.2 Italian Style Srl has also the right, at any time and without notice, to:

a. close the Site;

b. exclude from the site any product or service described herein;

c. terminate your access to the Site for some Users.


4. Site Content


4.1 The information and materials published on the Site may contain errors or omissions , which may not be updated. Italian Style Ltd may change , delete, or update at any time and without notice, any information or material posted on the Site The information and materials posted on the Website are provided solely for the purpose cognitive Italian Style Ltd. and shall not be binding in any way. In no event shall Italian Style Ltd be liable for news, information and data published on the Web site by third parties.


5. Denial of Access to the Site.


5.1 Italian Style reserves the right to deny in its sole discretion, access to the Website to any User, with or without a reason.


6. Technical Aspects.


6.1 Each User is required to have and to properly use the tools necessary to access the Internet and to the Website. The access to the site requires the use of Microsoft Explorer 5.5 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4 or later recently. The best resolution for the use of content is 1024X768. You also need to be enabled to run JavaScript .


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8. Intellectual Property


8.1 Each User acknowledges that the software used in the Site, the configurations, displays, screens, and all information and materials appearing or otherwise contained in the Site are – among them, the domain name of Italian Style Ltd., the logo ‘Italian Style’ and the name ‘Italian Style’ and ‘Incoming Tuscany’ (together the ‘intellectual Property’ of Italian Style Ltd) – are covered by various intellectual property rights, including the rights of national and international copyrights, trademarks and trade confidentiality. In relation to Intellectual Property, Italian Style Srl reserves every right and protection, including the right to compensation for any damage, cost or expense however arising from any breach of Intellectual Property.

8.2 The User agrees not to copy or reproduce, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, the Intellectual Property using electronic, mechanical or otherwise and in any way – including by way of example only copy the style presentation, content, or content organization – without the prior written consent diItalian Style srl. In any case, Italian Style Ltd agrees that the User to copy the Web pages on your computer and for your personal, non distribute, publish, or retransmit any information contained on the pages themselves, or use it commercially in negotiations with third parties.

8.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this article, other trademarks and/or intellectual property rights and certain information appearing on the Site may be covered by third-party rights. The User undertakes to respect and do not in any way violate those rights.


9. Third Party Linked Sites


9.1 External links to other Internet sites owned by third parties do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval by Italian Style Srl content of those sites or the policies or practices they implemented. The linked sites are not owned, controlled or operated by Italian Style and Incoming Tuscany srl is not responsible for the availability of these sites, the content thereof, or for the policies or practices they implemented. Links to other sites are provided for convenience of the User, who access them at your own risk.


10 . Disclaimer of Warranties


10.1 Italian Style Ltd does not provide guarantees or assurances of any kind, relating to the Site, any linked site or the content of them. Italian Style Srl, moreover, does not guarantee and makes sure that:

a. access to any site or use of same will be uninterrupted or free of errors or omissions;

b. the errors in the site will be corrected;

c. sites are free of viruses or other harmful elements.

By way of example and without limitation, everything on the Site is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Guarantees and insurance related services sold by Italian Style Ltd are regulated by contractual arrangements agreed between Italian Style Ltd and its customers.


11. Limitation of Liability


11.1 Under no circumstances Italian Style Ltd be liable, in contract or tort, as much as against the User to third parties for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special or otherwise – including, by way of example and not limited to, any loss of profit, interruption of business negotiations, loss of programs or other data on computer systems or elsewhere – however arising:

a. access or use, or inability to access or use the Site or linked sites;

b. the content of the Site or linked sites;

c. the closure of the Site or linked sites;

d. the denial of access to the Site or linked sites, even if Italian Style Ltd. is expressly advised of the possibility of such damage.


12. Communication


12.1 Any communication or material you transmit to the Site by the User by e-mail or otherwise, including any questions, comments, suggestions or the like, will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the L.675/96 (‘Italian Privacy Law’) as well as the manner and for the purposes described in the ‘Document Information and Consent’ , which the user must agree to use the Site

12.2 The User warrants that:

a. that all data disclosed by it are accurate and up to date;

b. are authorized to communicate the same data to Italian Style Ltd, which is authorized, in turn, to use them;

c. that the information provided does not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.


13. Applicable Law – Arbitration


13.1 The Terms and Conditions shall be subject, in all their aspects, to the provisions of Italian law.

13.2 All disputes arising in connection with the Conditions, including disputes relating to the validity, interpretation, execution and termination of these Terms, the parties agree their resolution by arbitration arbitrator by the Chamber of Commerce of Siena, in the alternative, through recourse to the Court of Siena.


System of prevention and protection pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01


In relation to the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, Italian Style Srl has adopted a Code of Ethics, an organizational model and a set of procedures to be applied to areas considered at risk and has also taken steps to establish a Supervisory Board in order to establish an adequate system of prevention and protection by the Board of a number of offenses which could lead to an administrative/criminal liability on the part of the company.


HACCP system


In relation to the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 155/97, as amended (HACCP), Italian Style Srl has adopted the following Self-Control Manual .


Obligations relating to the safety of workers


In relation to the provisions of Legislative Decree 626/94 and 242/96 in order to comply with its obligations regarding the safety of workers at the workplace, Italian Style Srl has adopted the necessary documents Risk Assessment in relation to the activities held at the offices and garages.

  • emma on 22 April 2014

    Claudio is amazing!! I sent him to pick up my parents in Florence and drive them to meet me in Siena. They speak 0 Italian and were nervous about navigating around but Claudio made them feel so at ease. His English is perfect and he is the friendliest driver to introduce my family to the beauty and wonder that is Tuscany. He drove them back to Florence at the end of their trip and me back to Florence at the end of my trip as well. I couldn’t have asked for a more hospitable, helpful, and entertaining driver to make my experience so comfortable!

  • Jennifer on 22 April 2014

    Claudio!! We are missing Italy and the great services you provided. We are looking forward to our next visit and of course we would only select the very BEST! Thank you for making our trip so comfortable and your attention to detail was priceless!!!!!

  • Lisa on 22 June 2014

    The relationship with Claudio began for us months in advance as we were planning our trip – he was quite patient with my email requests, changing my mind and last minute suggestions. He crafted our trip – tailored it to our group’s needs, idiosyncrasies, and limitations. One of our members was limited in mobility and he provided a wheelchair to accommodate her and chauffeured her around while the rest of us were touring by foot or bike. The teenagers and adults were thrilled with the daily plans for taste tours in Florence and Tuscany; a cooking class in Tuscany; olive oil producer, sheep farm that produced milk, Cinta de Sinese tour – who knew there was a breed of ancient pig whose “lardo” (bacon fat) is rich in omega 3 and 6! It’s actually healthy to eat this bacon! Nirvana. The restaurants we dined in were each special in their own way and reflected the region we were in.

    Claudio is the perfect ambassador of Italy for English speaking tourists – with a wonderful sense of humor and impeccable choices for us, and traveling around in a Mercedes Sprinter was not too shabby either. We recommend him without any reservations, and really hope others considering a trip to Italy consider engaging his “Italian Style”. We will surely return…we rubbed the boar’s nose in Florence, so we are guaranteed to.

  • Jon Dienstag on 16 July 2014

    We loved our experience with Claudio! Last June we were in the Sienna area for a wedding and spent a day touring the countryside with Claudio. From the beginning to the end, it was a day to remember! He picked us up for 3 stops in wine regions, complete with stories and info about his life and travels throughout the trip. Whether it was stopping for an espresso, a fantastic lunch in an old wine cellar, and a stop at his friends olive/wine estate, we’ll never forget out day we spent together in Tuscany. We would definitely look for Claudio the next time we’re in Italy and plan to recommend him to friends as well!

  • Jennifer Esposito on 1 June 2015

    I cannot say enough wonderful things about Claudio and his services. He arranged for a wonderful two weeks in Italy for our group of four that far exceeded all of our expectations. From the moment he met us at the airport in Rome, we knew we were in good hands. He had listened to our requests, knew our interests and had planned the perfect itinerary for our group. We did a variety of things including a Tasting Tour of Naples, private boat ride and tour of Capri followed by a hands on limoncello prep and sampling and a private cooking class and meal in a beautiful villa in Capri. We had wine tastings, a trip to an organic state of the art buffalo farm where delicious mozzarella is made and sampled, educational and fascinating tours of Pompeii, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, Assisi, the Amalfi Coast and numerous other sites. We went on a bike ride on the Appian Way where we shared the road with goats, stopped for a respite of freshly baked bread, cheese and wine and visited catacombs. Every guide was an expert in their area and provided us with the historical significance of each place we visited and answered all of our questions in a clear, friendly and interesting manner. One took us to her hometown of Nemi where we visited local merchants, sampled their products and felt like locals, an experience hard to duplicate with large groups and less experienced guides. Claudio even arranged for a trip to the small town of Portici, the ancestral home of my husband. Claudio acted as our private concierge and provided us with hotels, restaurant suggestions and reservations, shopping locations and whatever else we requested. We all would highly recommend Claudio and his services if you are planning a trip to Italy.

    • admin on 1 June 2015

      Jennifer, Bill, thank You so much!!
      Best regards!


  • Zack Crisan on 22 June 2015

    Claudio was fantastic! We were recommended Claudio from some friends of ours (see Jon Dienstag’s comments above) and he surpassed our expectations and their lofty description of the time they spent together. He was incredibly knowledgeable about the region and took us on a great tour of Montepulciano, La Pienza, and Chianciano with stops at beautiful wine cellars, a cheese tasting, and even a local pig farm. I’m eager to pay forward the recommendation to friends we have traveling in the region and look forward to seeing Claudio again on our next trip to Tuscany.

  • The Freibott Family on 1 July 2016

    Claudio’s expertise, impeccable planning and top notch customer service made our trip to Italy spectacular! We highly recommend Italian Style. After a short trip to Germany, we visited the Amalfi Coast for four nights and then Rome for three nights, stopping in Pompeii on the way. Hotel Santacaterina in Amalfi was a truly memorable stay with breathtaking views and fabulous service. Claudio arranged everything from the moment we landed in Naples. He arranged for a driver to pick us up and take us to Amalfi and our driver gave us a great history lesson of each area that we passed through along the way. Claudio arranged for a driver to take us to Rome with a stop in Pompeii for a private tour. Our guide was exceptional! The tickets for all of the sites that we wanted to visit in Rome were with our guide and driver as they picked us up each day and we got right in without waiting in all of the very long lines. A huge bonus right there! Claudio drove in from Tuscany one evening just to meet us in person. We felt truly honored because we knew how busy he was with his company in the month of June! The Bifferato family recommended Claudio to us when we first started out on planning this trip. Having never been to Italy, Claudio listened very carefully to what we did and didn’t want to do and planned a truly memorable trip. We will definitely be back. Thank you Claudio! You are one of a kind.

    • admin on 2 July 2016

      Thanks a lot Elaine! Hope to see you soon!! :-)

  • Barbara on 20 May 2017

    Claudio planned our itinerary for 10 with perfection and patience! Our group wasn’t easy to work with because not everyone wanted to move at the same pace or do the same activities so we had different numbers participating for different activities. Claudio gave us a proposal including prices and people could pick and choose their activities which made my life much easier! In the end, we ended up with a very well rounded itinerary including Orvieto, wine tours, bike tour with lunch at a farm, cooking class at Ferragamo, Siena and Assisi. All of Claudio’s guides were amazing especially in Assisi. Claudio has a large sprinter van which was comfortable for transporting our group. If he uses other drivers, they might not have that van so if you want it, make sure to specify when organizing your trip. Claudio fit right into our group making it feel like we had an 11th friend with us. Claudio’s planning turned our trip into an amazing experience.

  • Erin R. on 17 June 2017

    My husband and I cannot thank Claudio enough for all he did to help make our trip memorable and truly unforgettable. Claudio worked quickly and tirelessly to meet all of our requests for the things we wanted to include on our trip. He set us up with unique and fun food tours and all of the guides he connected us with were knowledgeable and friendly. The boat tour he set us up with in Amalfi was one of our favorite parts of the trip. Our drivers were courteous and prompt. We couldn’t be happier with all of the services Claudio provided us with while we were in Italy. We are so happy that we were connected with Claudio because our trip would not have been the same without all his help and hard work. We cannot recommend him enough!

  • Ross on 7 August 2017

    Claudio and his operation is total class. He’s knowledgeable, friendly, always helpful and at ease dealing with people of all ages and backgrounds. He’s a patient, careful driver and always arrives on time. He took us to some truly memorable places where there were few or no other tourists around and seems to know just about everyone on a first-name basis. When there’s a bit of extra time, he suggests a quick detour to see something else, which shows not only his dedication to making sure people make the most of their time but also shows how much he really enjoys what he does. That makes all the difference, really. I am struggling to think of how he could have improved anything about the parts of our trip he arranged so professionally other than providing some magic switch to turn down the outside temperature a few notches! Mille grazie, Claudio.

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